QuickBooks Delivery Server Down Error and How to Fix It?

A large number of error codes and technical glitches affect the effectiveness of the QuickBooks product, whether it’s QuickBooks Desktop or Online. Errors that occur in QuickBooks Online are usually related to malfunctions in the servers that connect QuickBooks to your bank. Errors can also occur due to issues related to your invoice. One of the errors that users come across these days is the “QuickBooks Delivery Server Down” error. This error is typically related to sales or invoice attachments when sent to customers in QuickBooks. It could also be because your company email address is incorrect.

This issue prevents users from sending transactions with attachments. To resolve this issue, read this blog to the end and diligently follow the troubleshooting steps. Be sure to enjoy it until the end. Or contact our technical support team. We’re here to answer all your QuickBooks-related questions.

Methods to Fix QuickBooks Delivery Server Down Error

You can try to fix the QuickBooks Delivery Server Down Error using the following steps.

Method 1: Configure Print and PDF Settings

The printer may be incorrect or the PDF configuration may cause problems Failure issues with the delivery server QuickBooks. Therefore, you must configure print and PDF settings to resolve this issue. Here are the steps required:

Step 1: Configure Adobe Acrobat Settings

  • You must select the actual size.
  • Additionally, alignment must be set to “Auto 3”.
  • The option to select paper source by PDF size must be enabled.

Step 2: Configure your browser’s PDF settings 

For Google Chrome users:

  • Google Chrome must now be running
  • Also, go to Settings
  • Once done, select the Advanced drop-down menu and click the Content Settings option.
  • Click the PDF Document option.
  • Disable the option to download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome.

 For Mozilla Firefox users:

  • You must run the Mozilla Firefox browser and go to Options.
  • Once completed, click Application and go to the Content Types option.
  • Now you need to continue your search for portable document formats.
  • Also click the option to use Adobe Reader.
  • Exit the Options tab, go to QuickBooks Online and retry sending the invoice to ensure there are no QuickBooks delivery errors.
  • This may resolve the issue to some extent.

Method 2: Verify Sales via Email

  • This process requires you to first go to Settings.
  • Also, go to Account & Settings > Sales.
  • Next, click on the Online Delivery option.
  • Next, check or uncheck the box next to the Attach PDF option.
  • Click Save and Finish to complete the process.

Method 3: Correct the format of the invoice.

You need to access or create an invoice and remove special characters from the invoice information. Special characters include ! . @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ – = + : “.Make sure information like description, message, email ID, attachment name,  custom form template, etc. does not contain any characters.

Method 4: Modify the location email address 

  • Select the Settings tab.
  • Select all the listings and then also select the location.
  • Next, you need to find the location used in your invoice.
  • Then click Edit.
  • Check the email address in the section.
  • This location has a separate email address for customer contact.
  • Make any further changes as required and click Save.

Method 5: Fix email address format issues

  • You must first select Settings ⚙.
  • After that, you need to click on Accounts & Settings in the Settings window, then click on Accounts & Settings.
  • In the next step, click on the Company option.
  • Also, click the Company Information tab and check the email format.
  • The correct format is ABCDCompany@company.com, but the email: ABCDCompany@company.com is incorrect.
  • Now you need to fix the format.
  • Click the Input tab and try sending the invoice again.


A QuickBooks Delivery Server Down error can interrupt your workflow, but patient troubleshooting can usually resolve the issue. Check connectivity issues, firewall settings, software configuration, user access controls, and service settings. However, if you have any questions or if users require any QuickBooks error support, you can always contact our technical support team. We will answer all your questions immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Delivery Server Down mean in QuickBooks?

The Delivery Server Down error is usually related to sales or invoice attachments when sent to customers. Or, it depends on how your company’s email address is set up.

How do I troubleshoot delivery issues in QuickBooks Online?

  • Go to Settings ⚙ and select Accounts & Settings.
  • Select the Sales tab.
  • Select Online Delivery and select or clear the PDF Attachment check box.
  • Select Save.
  • Try resubmitting the sales form.

What does it mean when the server goes down?

Server failure or downtime is a period when a server is shut down or not functioning optimally. There can be many reasons for downtime, such as hardware failure or exceeding allowed bandwidth.

What causes server problems?

One of the most common server problems is related to hardware problems. Server hardware can fail or experience problems for various reasons, including power surges, faulty electrical infrastructure in buildings or server rooms, overheating CPUs, hardware compatibility issues, hard drive failures, and memory issues.

Does QuickBooks have an inventory system?

Yes. QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise provides inventory management functionality to track the movement and storage of products and materials. Features like batch tracking, container tracking, and serial number tracking make it easy to quickly and accurately locate your location’s inventory.

How do I delete open transactions in QuickBooks?

  • Click on the Bank menu.
  • Please select the correct bank account.
  • Go to the Reviewed tab and check the items you want to delete.
  • Click the Batch Action button.
  • Select Exclude Selection.
  • Once completed, go to the Exclusions tab.
  • Highlight transactions.
  • Then click the “Batch Action” button.
  • Click Delete.

Can I print invoices from QuickBooks?

To print an invoice in QuickBooks Online, first open the specific invoice you want to print from your digital record. Users can select the print function within the invoice interface when accessing an invoice.

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